5 Mindset Shifts for Financial Success

Biblical Stewardship 4 months ago
Financial Success Mindset
6 Steps For Achieving Financial Goals

As I sat staring at my bank statement, a familiar feeling of dread washed over me. The numbers seemed to mock me, a constant reminder of my financial struggles.

I used to dread looking at my accounts, convinced that I would never be able to break free from the cycle of debt and financial insecurity.

But then, something changed. I discovered the power of shifting my mindset around money, and it transformed my entire financial journey. It’s a journey I’m still on, but one that has become infinitely more rewarding and empowering.

I’ve been where you are – in debt, overwhelmed, and feeling like financial success was an unattainable dream.

Through my own personal experience and the work I’ve done with thousands of women. I’ve learned that the first step to achieving financial freedom is to develop a positive money mindset.

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you the five key mindset shifts. These mindset that have helped me and countless others create a financially empowered life.

By implementing these shifts, you’ll be well on your way to rewriting your money story. You will also be unlocking the abundance and security you deserve.

Mindset Shift #1: Pay Attention to How You Talk About Money

The way you talk about money has a profound impact on your financial reality. The stories you tell yourself and the words you use can either propel you forward or hold you back.

Think about some of the common phrases we use when discussing money: “I’m broke,” “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “It cost me an arm and a leg.”

These negative ways of talking about money reinforce feelings of scarcity, lack, and struggle. They create a self-fulfilling prophecy, where our beliefs shape our behaviors. This ultimately shape our outcomes.

On the other hand, positive self-talk can build confidence and inspire action. Instead of saying, “I don’t know what I’m doing,” try something like, “I’m taking steps to learn about saving and investing so that I can build a better future.” See the difference? The former statement reinforces a sense of helplessness. The latter opens up possibilities and opportunities.

As the Bible says in Proverbs 18:21,

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”


The words you use have the power to create the reality you experience. So, be mindful of your money-related self-talk. Also make a conscious effort to replace negative phrases with positive, empowering ones.

One powerful exercise is to create a personal money mantra. This is a short, affirmative statement that you can repeat to yourself when you catch negative thoughts creeping in.

Some examples might be, “I am worthy of financial abundance,” or “The world is better off when I have money to share.”

Mindset Shift #2: Develop Pleasant Money Habits

For many people, the mere thought of managing their finances stirs up feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety.

These negative emotions make it difficult to dedicate the regular time. It also makes it difficult to dedicate the attention needed to take control of your financial situation.

To break this cycle, you need to develop a positive relationship with money. You must also associate financial planning with pleasant feelings. Think of it like a road trip.

Your financial goals are the destination, but the journey itself needs to be enjoyable. If its not enjoyable you’re much more likely to give up along the way.

So, how can you make spending time on your finances more pleasurable? Start by incorporating small acts of self-care into your money management routine. Light some candles, put on soothing music, or treat yourself to your favorite beverage.

And don’t forget to reward yourself after each money-related task. Whether it’s a refreshing walk, a relaxing massage, or simply indulging in your favorite snack.

The key is to find what works best for you and make it a regular habit. As Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle would say, “TREAT YO’ SELF!” Associate financial planning with positive emotions. It becomes much easier to stay motivated and consistent in your efforts.

Mindset Shift #3: Create a New Money Identity

In his book “Atomic Habits,” James Clear shares a powerful story about two people’s responses to being offered a cigarette.

The first person says, “No, thanks. I’m trying to quit.” This response suggests that they still see themselves as a smoker, just one who is attempting to change.

The second person, however, responds by saying, “No, thanks. I’m not a smoker.” This simple shift in language signals a change in their identity – they no longer see smoking as a part of who they are.

The same principle applies to your relationship with money. If you want to create lasting change in your financial habits and outcomes, you need to develop a new money identity.

Who is the person you want to be when it comes to your finances? How does she think, feel, and act?

For example, maybe your current money persona is someone who dreads looking at their bank account and only buys things that are on sale, even if they’re not what you truly want.

But your new money identity, let’s call her “Luxury Laurie,” sees managing her finances as a form of self-care and takes the time to make high-quality purchases that work within her budget.

By visualizing and embodying this new money identity, you can start to align your behaviors with your desired financial outcomes.

Your beliefs will guide your actions, and the behavior that’s inconsistent with who you believe you are simply won’t last.

Mindset Shift #4: Build Community

When it comes to achieving financial success, you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) go it alone. One of the worst parts of financial stress is the isolation that often comes with it.

We feel ashamed to talk about our money struggles, so we suffer in silence, making the journey even more difficult.

But building a strong support network can make all the difference. As the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.”


When you have a community of peers and mentors who can relate to your situation. Those who can provide encouragement, accountability, and guidance. This makes the path to financial freedom become much more navigable.

In our program, the Million Dollar Year, we’ve seen the power of community firsthand. That’s why we’ve built mentorship and accountability into the core of our offering. This is because it’s so much easier to achieve your money goals when you have a tribe of like-minded individuals walking alongside you.

If you don’t have a built-in support system, start by reaching out to trusted loved ones and sharing your financial aspirations with them.

Ask for the specific type of support you need, whether it’s accountability, encouragement, or just a listening ear.

Mindset Shift #5: Notice the Ways Money Enhances Your Life

It’s easy to get caught up in the stress and guilt associated with our financial past or the worry about our financial future. But when we do that, we miss the opportunity to appreciate the positive impact that money is having on our lives right now, in the present moment.

Stress often comes from looking to the future and worrying about what might happen. Guilt stems from dwelling on the past and the mistakes we’ve made. But this focus on the negative does nothing to help us move forward.

Instead, we need to shift our attention to the ways that money is currently serving us and enhancing our lives.

Does money help you to do the things that are most important to you? Has it allowed you to take care of your health or visit the people you love? Does it fund your adventures and help you create lasting memories?

Become more aware of and grateful for the positive ways that money is impacting your life. It becomes easier to make wise financial decisions that align with your values and priorities.

As Philippians 4:8 encourages us.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure. whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”


By shifting our focus to the ways that money is a blessing in our lives. We can cultivate an abundance mentality and a greater sense of financial well-being.

Key Takeaways

  1. The way you talk about money has a profound impact on your financial reality. Replace negative self-talk with positive, empowering language.
  2. Associate financial planning with pleasant feelings by incorporating self-care rituals. Also rewarding yourself for your efforts.
  3. Develop a new money identity and visualize the person you want to be when it comes to your finances. Align your behaviors with this desired identity.
  4. Build a supportive community of peers, mentors, and loved ones. This will help you stay encouraged and accountable on your financial journey.
  5. Focus on the present and become aware of the positive ways that money is enhancing your life right now. Cultivate gratitude for your financial resources.


Mastering your money mindset is the essential first step towards achieving financial success and security. Implement the five mindset shifts outlined in this blog post.

These are; paying attention to your self-talk and developing pleasant money habits. Creating a new money identity and building a supportive community.

Also focusing on the positive ways that money enhances your life. This will help you to rewrite your old stories and create a financially empowered mindset. A mindset that will propel you towards the abundant, fulfilling life you deserve.

Remember, this journey is not about perfection, but about progress. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your wins, and don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way.

Develop a growth mindset and a commitment to your financial well-being. You have the power to transform your relationship with money and unlock the doors to true financial freedom.

So, what are you waiting for? Start implementing these mindset shifts today, and watch as your financial future begins to take shape.

The world is better off when you have the financial resources to share your gifts and make a positive impact.

Believe in yourself, and watch as your money mindset paves the way to a brighter, more abundant tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long does it take to change my money mindset?

A. Changing your money mindset is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and practice. It’s not a quick fix, but rather a lifelong journey of reprogramming your beliefs and behaviors around money. Be patient with yourself, and celebrate the small wins along the way.

Q. Do I need to have a lot of money to develop a positive money mindset?

A. No, you don’t need to have significant financial resources to start shifting your money mindset. In fact, a positive money mindset can actually help you build wealth, regardless of your current financial situation.

The key is to focus on the mindset shifts outlined in this blog post, and then take actionable steps to improve your financial habits and behaviors.

Q. Can a growth mindset really help me overcome debt?

A. Absolutely! A growth mindset is essential for effectively managing and paying down debt. Adopting a positive, learning-oriented approach to your finances.

This will enable you to you develop the resilience, determination, and healthy habits needed to become debt-free. The mindset shifts discussed in this post can help you reframe your relationship with debt. They will also make steady progress towards your financial goals.

Q. How do I involve my family in developing a positive money mindset?

A. Involving your family in your journey to a positive money mindset can be incredibly valuable. Start by sharing your new mindset and financial goals with your loved ones, and invite them to participate.

Encourage open discussions about money, and find ways to make financial planning a family affair. Whether it’s setting shared savings goals or making budgeting a fun and collaborative activity.

Q. What if I slip up and revert to my old, negative money habits?

A. Setbacks are a natural part of the process when changing your mindset and habits. The key is to approach them with self-compassion and a growth mindset.

When you notice yourself falling back into negative patterns, gently redirect your thoughts and actions. Acknowledge the progress you’ve made, and recommit to the mindset shifts and healthy habits that are serving you.

With persistence and patience, those positive changes will become more and more ingrained.

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